Lol, gonna cover that next time.
Thanks for listening!
dezb1 wrote:Cover sounds good chap, also excellent is the fact that Stevie wonder "I just called to say I love you" is one of the suggest videos youtube suggest in the list of videos underneath...
Hi guys, I haven't been on the forum for a while because of works and stuff. Around 2 years ago (can't believe it's been so long) I posted my band, Slack Tide 's first album here, and got some kind feedbacks and supports. We got a nice chance to get on a bigger event here in Taiwan recently. Therefo...
got mine just before i went to work. only played it for 15 mins. this J sig JM makes my 94' MIJ JM sound like a strat. it's the chunkiest guitar (in sound) i've ever played. those P90s are awesome. i like them as much as my novaks. really balanced throughout all three positions. love the feel of the...
it does play perfectly fine. i'll definitely get a better condition one in the future. it's a good guitar by all means. i bet it plays perfectly fine. i'd pay that much for it and put a different guard on it/get rid of that humbcukersz. i have a weakness for japanese tele necks. buy a 3TS squier CV ...
so i tried this guitar earlier today and the neck felt like two woods. the damaged part was actually quite smooth, almost like a satin finished which i like. i haven't owned a satin neck guitar.
thanks for all the replies guys :D i was attracted to that neck at the first sight to be honest. it looks gross and awesome at the same time. the guy selling it says the neck finish was worn out by playing. pretty hard to believe IMO. it's pretty humid here, so i'm not surprised it got this black. i...
yeah, that neck...i have no idea whether the wood itself is harmed or just fine.
blane wrote:I don't view $600 as being high for a guitar in a general sense. It looks pretty but I'm not sure I'd buy that particular one for that price.. The neck looks a bit worry some. But i'm not tele expert.... so
what guitar is this? i love the shape of it but have no idea what it is.
this Its not the 'warp mode', i used to use that a lot and it was way less clear. I'm guessing its just feedback set high with a medium/fast delay time. the importance is muting the strings once you release the repeats. Coxon uses a short delay here for similar effect.. [youtube]
cool, thanks man! good to know they sound better in louder volume situation. i'll definitely try them out now. (p.s. just paypaled for the stemac gripper, will report back once it arrives) I'd try some out first just to be sure. I had a gold and silver in a Jaguar and they sounded really flat and bo...
thanks man! i haven't played any lace sensor guitar before..people seem to love it or hate it from the reviews i've seen.. i got interested in them because of this vid..sounds really good to me. [youtube][/youtube] 500 pot value not sure what i think about t...