Was going to say the same thing about the Tele. Sorta reminds me of a cactus. Great color for a gigging guitar as it will grab people’s attention right away. I like gigging with my torino red Bronco bass for the same reason.
dots wrote:i think this thread is developing an urge for me to replace the dotsmaster guard (currently mint) with aged pearl and the pickup covers (currently polar white) with aged covers.
Sounds dope. What color is the dotsmaster? Jazzmaster style guitar?
just get the behringer :lol: Just got the Behringer, more like. (they're £16 on Amazon today). £16 I just bought one to do a side by side test for myself. You'll have to let us know how they sound A/B'd. Quite curious. The Behringer is totally out of stock on this side of the pond :(
I checked out the pricing, and Northwest has some really great deals. $228 for a finished Jazzmaster body is awesome... Warmoth's bodies usually go for $350-400. Shipping to the US starts at 20 L's. Interesting that Northwest notes the Jazzmaster bodies are MIJ, but no such comments on the Jaguar pa...
Another question: would it make any sense to connect this thing to a pedal board? Seems like it will foolishly hang off the side like a USB dongle. Unless that built-in male jack is attached to a hidden extension cable.
It’ll sound the same recorded directly as on headphones, unless you’re further altering the sound on the Portastudio. And this will sound waaaaaay better than the Joyo, the speaker sims on those are negligible. That makes sense, especially considering I'd have to use the headphone jac...
I've enjoyed HM-2 usage in the past... great for getting shoegaze tones and other heavy sounds without all the Muff mud. Will probably grab one of these if they're not priced over $200.
I'm curious about how this might sound plugged into a Tascam Portastudio... sorta like a DI box. I have been wanting to get back into cassette recording for awhile, but I don't have a proper hardware amp modeler. Was thinking to just grab a Joyo American Sound, but this looks a lot better?
Thanks guys! I'm kind of liking it as-is. The pearl guard with cream pup covers reminds me of my old Jag-Stang, so it's got teh nostalgia angle. However, I might change my mind over time. My CV Strat has a mint guard, and it looks ace. I also remember how good Mike's surf green VM Jag looked with a ...
I haven't owned a Jazzmaster for a few years, but I recently borrowed a couple of Squiers from a friend. It quickly became apparent that I needed a Jazzy of my own. Enter the Squier Classic Vibe in Daphne Blue. I guess it's a 2020 FSR? No rhythm circuit, 500k pots, Emerson PIO cap, pearl pickguard, ...
A few years ago, I would have said it's overpriced. But really the prices on old MIJ/CIJ stuff are skyrocketing. The standard MIJ Strat or Jazzmaster is no longer being made. Now Fender Japan has the "traditional 60s" model, the "hybrid" model, and a few others I believe... at $1...