Search found 4 matches

by vidguy
Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:52 pm
Forum: Short Scales
Topic: 6 saddle bridge on CV Duosonic
Replies: 14
Views: 8766

Very cool!
I like it. Good Job.
by vidguy
Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:34 am
Forum: Musical Miscellany
Topic: Finger Picking Woes
Replies: 17
Views: 9036

I play almost exclusively with my fingers. I fingerpick and I play my riffs and lead that way. I can and do use a pick when needed. and can play pretty well that way. When riffing I even use my index finger and that fingernail as a Pick. I kinda hold my thumb and index finger as if i am holding a pi...
by vidguy
Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:26 am
Forum: Short Scales
Topic: 6 saddle bridge on CV Duosonic
Replies: 14
Views: 8766

Cool. I love this guitar. Neck is a treat. The pickups are just right for it. I play it through an Egnater rebel 20 with Egnater 12 cab, or my all 69 Vibrachamp Sounds awesome in the middle position. I wonder if that's an Out of Phase position? Rather sounds like the "unintended" out of ph...
by vidguy
Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:29 am
Forum: Short Scales
Topic: 6 saddle bridge on CV Duosonic
Replies: 14
Views: 8766

6 saddle bridge on CV Duosonic

I did some reading here before I did this. I have a Classic Vibe Duo-Sonic. Love the guitar. But I do play kinda heavy handed and it is always tough to keep my guitars in tune. I bought the 6 saddle Bridge from Angela Instruments. Fender Musicmaster 6 Saddle Bridge & Ferrules 54945 1 $24.99 $24....