avj wrote:Awesome demos, Kim! Is that a 4x10 bass cab with the Rocker 30?
EDIT: Crap, I missed the obvious text at the beginning of the video. The cab sounds awesome, and I just received an AD30 today and had a bit of play time at lunch to run home and try it with an Acoustic 4x10 bass cab. It was also great.
i've come to love a guitar head with bass cab more with a humbuckered guitar again. haven't had a proper hb guitar in hmm..7 years ? seems to push it more.
i like the idea of 10"'s pushing more/ and having more mids. the rocker 30's el34 (there i go again now i've realized i like 'the british' sound ??? ..more mids ? again ? pfha) well i'm happy i got it when it was still made and i'm still 100% statisfied with it, i've said before the 410 ampeg bass cab was 'out of necessity' in the beginning (i sold lots of my gear when i got dumped by a band but held on to the cab for guitar use since i couldn't afford a guitar cab at the time) and perhaps i've gotten used to it, or perhaps i really do like that combination. i was happy with it putting my mustang or hondo II through it, but now i feel like getting closer to the sound i have in my head especially on the dirt and fuzz, it sounds massive for 'only that'.
ad30 as far as i remember playing through one, more shaping options, and closer to classic orange tones, the rocker is kind of (was..kind of) an odd one in that line with the tube choice, clean channel with only a volume knob. i find now i use the clean channel for cleans and only cleans (you can't push it much on this one, but i have mike's mini saltboost rescue and works, even better with hums, more harmonics and shit happening i find) and the dirt together with dirt pedals for dirt on top of dirt, find that it works better than a fuzz on the clean channel personally.
maybe i'm not such a single coils person i don't know, i find the bridge pickup in the jag gives me enough definition and twang. but it's so fucking bassy still. just damping the strings it is kind of exciting... whooom.