I happen to have a few Filtertrons to lose, and could try a Tele Deluxe pickguard. I see that there are already Jazzmaster trems on Teles. Would the Mustang trem to be compatible with filtertrons and a Tele neck? Mustangs can use a TOM, and TOMs can be put with with Filtertrons. It can't be too far off, could it? Length? I don't think there are any routs yet.
Does it look ass? That Mustang bridge is similar to the Bigsby mod. Alternately, would I be better closer to the classic Tele guard with some kind of Mustang switches? I haven't even thought about the controls. The bridge pickup could possibly have a Gretsch ring and not extend the guard. The neck is one piece mapplez BTW. I would like to show some grain, but not essential.