Really cool guitar. I went on a shopping spree the day after my b-day with a few extra bills in my pocket looking for a nice budget tele. I played everything under $400 used and new and this thing blew me out of the water. The neck is perfect, it looks cool, and sounds really, really good!
then, I got it home, changed the knobs and spray painted the jazzmaster pickup cover.
I use dupi-color for everything. I had some sitting around and used. I'm not too worried about it holding up because I can always strip it and repaint it in a matter of minutes.
I usually clear coat everything but I was out, so the white is going to come off pretty fast, I would imagine.
theshadowofseattle wrote:Not a fan of only having the one white object on the entire body, but glad you dig it. The knobs need to be switched out for some chromes!
I thought it made it look like much more of a mutt. I really like ugly teles.
theshadowofseattle wrote:Not a fan of only having the one white object on the entire body, but glad you dig it. The knobs need to be switched out for some chromes!
I thought it made it look like much more of a mutt. I really like ugly teles.
It brings out the cobbled-together aspect of having Jazzy and Tele bits on the same guitar. A very pawn-shop effect. It does make sense!
Fakir Mustache wrote:Classic Shad Deluxe.
Nick wrote:Some of Shad's favorite Teles are black.