re-tolexing a amp/cab/combo

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re-tolexing a amp/cab/combo

Post by lorez »

OK I just picked up a bassman that has been rehoused in a 2x10 and which structually its fine the tolex and the corner protectors are screwed. So, can anyone give me any tips on the best way to retolex it

edit: initial photo


more of the tolex issues to follow tomorrow but basically its ripped at the bottom, top, back and a couple of corners are missing
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
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Post by James »

You can definitely find a few guides online. This will be fairly obvious but to begin with you want to start by measuring the depth of the part you want to cover (well, width from the side) which will probably be something like 25-35cm, then an amount for the overlap, maybe 10cm per side. You might end up with a total of 60cm. Then measure the top and one of the sides, double each and total it up to find that you want, say 2 metres of 60cm wide tolex.

I'm not trying to be patronising with that, but it's a good place to begin because you can immediately start pricing things as you look at suppliers. Also, fairly early start considering where you want the joins to be. I'm not sure if you can do it all in one piece with just one join for the beginning and end. Maybe you'll need to cover the bottom first, then a small overlap near one side of the feet and around the top to the other pair of feet. That'll depend on what you're able to buy. Less joins will be cleaner but also more difficult to keep a tight, even tension over.

The corners are generally expensive but I purchased some from Axes R Us before that were a good deal. Have a browse over there for them but I remember them being in a not very easy to find place. And if you are doing the lot, you might want to replace the handle, too, just so it all looks well together. It might cost around £10-15 to do that, so it's up to you if it's worth considering.

Actually - I've not considered the part going between the head and cab sections. But still, most of that advice applies as a general starting point.
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Post by johnnyseven »

If you need corner protectors I have some Fender ones I can sell you.
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Post by Fran »

A quick search threw this up Chris. Not watched it myself but he has good responses on his work.

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Post by lorez »

thanks for the tips, I've also found another simple step by step guide. I've going to review and take measurements. The covering is torn & flapping in serveral places, I did think about just patching it up but doing everything again might be better in the long run.

Mark, those corners would be brilliant, PM me about :)
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers