I traded my Musicmaster project guitar today for a Fender Silverface Vibro Champ I found on Craigslist. I had to drive a round trip of almost 3 hours, but the trip was well worth it. Amp is in good shape and sounds fantastic. I will get a demo up later in the week. A little rust around the jacks and the jewel but nothing major. I need to clean off some tape. The Volume and treble pots are scratchy so I need to use contact cleaner on all the pots. The "vibrato" effect is best. I am thrilled I was able to find a good home for the Musicmaster while picking up a very nice sounding amp. Both inputs sound good. The second input is for higher output guitars, so when I switched my Mustang from input 1 to input 2, it loses a little volume and sparkle. It even came with an original owners manual and wiring schematic. It has the 3 pronged plug, but it will need to be replaced soon since you can see the wires from the plug. Overall, I am super stoked. Sounds better than the one I played at Guitar Center.
Serial Number on chassis:
A984786 (Can someone help me date the amp? I keep checking it and it doesn't appear to match any of the Silverfaces from that era)
Can anyone tell me anything about the
Vibrato foot switch? it appears to to be a small RCA type input on the back to turn the effect on and off.
Pics of the Owners Manual and Schematic