After discovering the hard way that I am not a Gibson guy I sadly returned the SG and said I'm gonna get something that I've wanted for a while .. A Jag....
So I got this .......
Looks better with the red 'cause the contours come out better (imo).
Bigsby's are always cool though I would change to a roller-bridge or something alike...
Nice : )
Bigsbys look ace on those HH specials. I'd LOVE one of the Baritone models with a bigsby on. Good work!
+1 on the roller bridge - look at Honeyiscool's thread on the wilkinson roller bridge for correct radiusing (though this one will be 9.5). if you don't mind a slightly mismatched radies the standard GuitarFetish TOM roller bridge will do nicely.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
Where is this honeyiscool thread? I stuck a roller bridge on my Jap Jag (by drilling the motherfucker LOLZZZ) and the radius mismatch has never bothered me. I don't even notice it. This could be for one of two reasons; it doesn't really make that much difference, I'm a terrible guitarist, or I'm not a tonesniffing cunt.
Rox wrote:After discovering the hard way that I am not a Gibson guy I sadly returned the SG and said I'm gonna get something that I've wanted for a while .. A Jag....
So I got this .......
And I bought that so I can do....This...
And I couldn't be happier ....
Wow! Love your choice of pickguard. She's gorgeous!
Disciple of Pain
"I'm like the monkey screwing the skunk. I haven't had enough, but I've about had all that I can stand!"
Like it. Think the tort could have a bit more yellow swirly in it for my tastes, but it's jam hot.
The Bigsby looks brilliant!
ekwatts wrote:Where is this honeyiscool thread? I stuck a roller bridge on my Jap Jag (by drilling the motherfucker LOLZZZ) and the radius mismatch has never bothered me. I don't even notice it. This could be for one of two reasons; it doesn't really make that much difference, I'm a terrible guitarist, or I'm not a tonesniffing cunt.
Ankhanu wrote:Like it. Think the tort could have a bit more yellow swirly in it for my tastes, but it's jam hot.
The Bigsby looks brilliant!
ekwatts wrote:Where is this honeyiscool thread? I stuck a roller bridge on my Jap Jag (by drilling the motherfucker LOLZZZ) and the radius mismatch has never bothered me. I don't even notice it. This could be for one of two reasons; it doesn't really make that much difference, I'm a terrible guitarist, or I'm not a tonesniffing cunt.
I had one of those that I put a B5 on. I kind of wished I had kept it. I liked the guitar, but not the pickups and it was before I got really in to wiring and such. Oh well, I have my LE Jag in the mail. Maybe it will come today.
That B5 looks quite nice on it. I have to think it'd perform nicely, I've always liked the flat top Bigsbys a lot more than the oversized kind.
I had a chance to get a Jaguar HH for a very good price, $400 or $450 or something like that, and I knew someone who was interested in that exact same guitar, so I figured if I didn't like it, I'd just pass it off to him (and I did, so I didn't lose any money on this). Anyway, I didn't like the thicker neck and thought about putting a Mustang neck on it, but really I probably just needed more time with it, and the pickups definitely weren't to my liking (need moar meat), but it was overall a very nice guitar and a great modding platform. Honestly, if it weren't for the Cobain Mustang being announced, I'd probably still be playing one, or maybe a Vista Jagmaster which is the guitar I'd have gotten if they were a reasonable price. Either way, these are great guitars.
Dave wrote:+1 on the roller bridge - look at Honeyiscool's thread on the wilkinson roller bridge for correct radiusing (though this one will be 9.5). if you don't mind a slightly mismatched radies the standard GuitarFetish TOM roller bridge will do nicely.
I'm pretty sure these are 7.25.
Last edited by honeyiscool on Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
ekwatts wrote:Oh, well, nice to see some people are copying me OVER A YEAR LATER LOL
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Say what? I missed the part where you shimmed your bridge to match the radius, which was kind of the whole point of my exercise. If you had, well, whatever, it's not it matters who came up with the idea first, it's still a good idea.
But considering how many people bitch about YOU CAN'T GET 7.25" RADIUS ON TUNE-O-MATIC...
Question, did you attach the bigsby b5 with a vibramate and if so how was the action on the jag afterwards? Been thinking about this but was wondering if the action would be too high and if adjusting the action after vibramate + bigsby would require shimming the neck.
chemistforhire wrote:Question, did you attach the bigsby b5 with a vibramate and if so how was the action on the jag afterwards? Been thinking about this but was wondering if the action would be too high and if adjusting the action after vibramate + bigsby would require shimming the neck.
I used the vibramate. It still goes across the normal bridge on the guitar so action was whatever you wanted to set it at. It didn't impact action for me.