Bass is Feb '69, one of the first I believe, because the stripes are slightly thinner than what was used later. It still has beer stains on it (smelled like an old bar when I got it) that I will never clean off. Had no case.
Guitar is April '69. I was standing in front of a Music Store and a kid said to his friend "My Uncle gave me an orange guitar. I don't like it." I asked "Is it like yellow with 3 orange stripes?" He said "Yes". I asked him if I could drive him home and see it (hell, it was 1982, there were no cell phones and things were very different). He brought me in the house and his Mother (who thanked me for driving him home. You won't see that today!) said "Is $60 too much?" I answered "No, here's sixty", and I gave the kids friend five bucks so he made something, too. Original case, and had a Fender Body Guard on it! Guards didn't work on the arm contour and hurt, so maybe that's why the guy never played it.