Tubescreamers seem most widely used in metal/hard rock productions. There is a mid boost quality to it that helps bring definition to heavy guitar sounds. It is NOT used for additional gain/overdrive, more of a tone shaping use.
Please listen to at least 480.
seems kind of like a copy of the idea behind the brian may amp that VOX put out several years ago...
they took that circuit, the 'DEACY' circuit, that May used to goose his amps with, and put it in a little solid state amp.
but having tubes, and the tube screamer circuit, i don't know, could be cool for recording.
Sloan wrote:Tubescreamers seem most widely used in metal/hard rock productions. There is a mid boost quality to it that helps bring definition to heavy guitar sounds. It is NOT used for additional gain/overdrive, more of a tone shaping use.
This..... and they make harmonics just jump outta the guitar like crazy
lorez wrote: I'm a fuzz lover so my clean is another man's crunch