stewart wrote:there should be an edit button next to the quote button at the top right of the thread window, allowing you to delete the empty photo boxes.
or a mod could clean it up.
Yes I saw that during the first few minutes of the post than today when I saw the photos gone, the edit option wasn't there,same with my most recent photos from flickr, I was not able to go back and add some words, it just had the "Quote" option and that was only about 20 minutes after I posted , hmmm
Am I able to post a video of the guitar here, a few guys are wondering how it sounds, I'm not a professional guitarist or videographer but I would like to give a demo to the site
Nevermind, it popped up again, "edit" got it
Last edited by Amplify my mouth on Sun May 13, 2012 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
stewart wrote:there should be an edit button next to the quote button at the top right of the thread window, allowing you to delete the empty photo boxes.
Haha, I totally didn't realise at first. I just saw the pictures and my love for the Jag thinline took over. But yeah, it looks like Paul to me. He's a counterfeiter and a fraud.
chemistforhire wrote:2nd time around and still up to your old tricks. No mods huh. You sure you don't want to put some blocks on that bound neck and maybe tan that headstock..
also, in the dumb vid he posted on the utubez he says he is gonna change the tuning keys to ones with white buttons...low and behold the white buttons on this one....
lorez wrote: I'm a fuzz lover so my clean is another man's crunch
What saddens me is that given what you just said and the sheer stupidity it implies, I can't hep but feel we're the ones who equipped him with the idea to con somebody on ebay with his guitar... Like he's clearly not smart enough for the thought to even occur to him on it's own.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total