This 1963 Starfire is missing an important part of the F hole, and has a few extra navels. But otherwise the finish is clean, with minor buckle rash and nice finish cracks. I already removed the gray duct tape crust with a binding scraper. The F hole is clean, and should be a reasonable fix. That wood grain is not uncommon, and I have a decent sized sheet to play with.
Once the parts and mahogany arrive, it's just going to be saw, sand, glue, and assemble. The original may have been more cherry red, but it looks more faded than refinished. You mostly see red around the knobs (like mammals). This will take a Guild tailpiece and HBs. It looks similar to my Gibson ES-125, and weighs nothing. There aren't a lot of heavy frets to weigh it down. They don't look as bad in person.