Here's the original template made a few years ago..

mustang + jag-stang = by punkacc9, on Flickr
The Mockup with what I was going to do.. Jag-Stang 2.0 now.. lol and the same as my musicmaster

template with parts (mock up) by punkacc9, on Flickr
The original photoshop

Mustang Off by punkacc9, on Flickr
Sooo after that it was ditched it was revisited by me last week where I came up with this using my old musicmaster pickguard.
The Mustang Offset 2.0 haha

Mustang Offset 2.0 by punkacc9, on Flickr
What I photosopped using the dressing room

Mustang Offset 2.0 DONE by punkacc9, on Flickr
I don't know if I like the color anymore, so I'm going to do a white/black/white pickguard now with black pickup covers. What color should I do the body?
I also ditched the toggle switch and will just do all the switching with the mustang phase switch. 3 single coils. The phase switch I thought would look cool up in the top corner because there is soo much space there.
Here's the switching positions if you can understand it. I wrote on a napkin at a bowling alley lol.

photo (2) by punkacc9, on Flickr
I had to morph a mustang and musicmaster pickguard to get exactly what I wanted. The bronco/1970 musicmaster pickguards have that gap between it and the vibrato and it's so open. I made my template so it will be snug against the vibrato. Looks nicer I think.

photo 1 by punkacc9, on Flickr
The old template of the body was beat to hell so I redid that too.

photo 4g by punkacc9, on Flickr
Here's them together.

photo 3g by punkacc9, on Flickr

photo 2g by punkacc9, on Flickr
I'm having Cooterfinger do this body as well. He's extremely talented with body making. I'm trading him my 1966 mustang body for this body and a custom pickguard.
Leave me a suggestion for colors.