Kinda like this, matching head stock and all.
This is the exact color combination i'm going for.
I bought a Contoured Duo-Sonic body from cooterfinger. Amazingly good work. He made me a pearloid pick guard also
After a long debacle and learning experience I have a Squier Jaguar neck on the way, instead of the Jagmaster neck i originally ordered (fucking conversion necks).
Took it over tonight to a buddies house who had a drill press, tons of tools, and a whole lot more wood working skill than I and drilled the body for the string through bridge. It came out really fucking slick.
I ordered a bunch of finishing supplies and Orange Grabber laquer for the base body color...
Now that the holes are drilled i'm pretty much ready to start the finishing process on the body. I've done a lot of reading on it but any advice people on here can give would be much appreciated! Moar pics, updates and questions to come for sure...