TOM or roller bridge on a Mustang?

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TOM or roller bridge on a Mustang?

Post by h8mtv »

I think I've seen another post where someone put a TOM bridge on a mustang or jagstang. I cant find it tho. Anyone done this or have advice? I see some guy on ebay selling the Kurtz Mustang for parts but that just looks like standard TOM stuff to me.
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Post by bradzeera »

The Kurdtz Mustang does come stock with a standard TOM, which I've always associated with being pretty anti tremolo just because the point of the TOM is tuning stability, not vibrato. I know honeyiscool put a Wilkinson roller bridge on his and he even posted up instructions on how you can set the radius to 7.25" if you want. I guess it really just comes down to if you use trem a lot a roller TOM would be better with the Mustang trem system.
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Post by h8mtv »

I bought a Mexi Player Jaguar bridge with studs. I'll figure it out from there. I might just make some sort of new studs to fit on the lathe. There is plenty of SS bar stock plenty close to the right size @ the machine shop.