Crazy powerful digital synth from roland circa 1987. Possibly the best digital synth ever made.
Check out these incredible patches this guy made:
This guy does a pretty good demo of the more clean/shiny sounding classic factory patches which you've heard all over everything from the late 80s and 90s:
he's playing the keyboard version, the D-50. Mine is the rack version, the D-550. He makes a mistake when he says it was released in '83-'84 (maybe a translation mistake); that was the Yamaha DX-7. but everything else he says is correct. The synth architecture seems like it is based on the JX-10 (or MKS-70) which was two JX-8Ps in the same keyboard. this allowed for some interesting effects but otherwise seems like an odd frankenstein synth. The implementation on the D-50 however made much more sense. Essentially it has four oscillators of which can either be a virtual analog waveform or a PCM sample. The idea was that by combining a short attack sample with a basic waveform you could create realistic acoustic instruments. This actually works surprisingly well although it's hardly what anyone would use it for today. The neat thing is that this powerful architecture allows for quite complex sound-design.