So as many of you know, I just acquired a beautiful 1993-1994 Mustang. Currently, the two pickup covers are two different tones of white (one is white and the other is antique white). I think antique looks better on the guitar; it's not a new build and all white hardware should have yellowed from the sun.
I've been looking on Warmoth, allparts and ebay but I can't seem to find off white pickup covers... Does anyone know where I could find some?
Also, I'm looking for mustang knobs (right now I put a little chickin head on the volume pot). Any leads for that too?
You could always try artificially aging the white covers. Some like to steep them for a few days in (cold) tea, while others prefer coffee. I've also heard that brown shoe polish applied then cleaned off can work well, though I've never tried that one.
In this case, would it be preferable I get two new covers and try to age them at the same time? I'm a bit scared of trying this out and still ending up with two different color pickup covers...
Thanks for the link! I actually think I'll take up the previous advice and try to age the pickup covers myself, seeing as vintage white covers are simply way more yellow than my guitar is...