So I sold my SG yesterday because after a while of it sitting in it's case I decided that I favored my other guitars better, and I wanted a new amp. I put it up on craigslist to find a trade offer, and a lot of people were low balling me and over-valuing their amps. One person wanted to trade me some terrible line 6 amp plus $100 cash even. And also something I've only found in Atlanta, lots of people trying to trade Guns for music gear... weird. Anyway, I gave up on the trade idea, and found a guy that wanted to pay cash for it. I had decided on a Vox AC15, and wanted to sell the SG so I could get one. I met up with him yesterday at Guitar Center made the sale, and immediately went and bought this on sale! I love it so much! I tested it out with the new Squier Jazzmaster (had faulty wiring so I didn't get a good test of it) and the Squier Jaguar in surf green which I fell in love with! I almost ended up buying both together, but they couldn't come down enough on the combined price to make it within my budget so unfortunately I had to pass on the jag, even though I was about to get it for only $250!
I brought it home and played it all afternoon yesterday and I love it! It really nails that classic vox tone, and with the tube screamer I'm borrowing from the guitar player in my band it sounds great! I'm looking into getting a new OD pedal to go with it, most likely the fulltone OCD but I'm going to test a bunch this week. From what I've heard about the stock tubes it comes with the chinese tubes in it, which I'm not sure about the power tubes, but I'm not a fan of the sound of chinese 12ax7's at higher volumes. I might try out some JJ's or Tung Sol's in there, anyone have any recommendations as far as tubes that they've tried in there? I love the sound of the amp right now, but I'm sure I'll love it even more getting rid of those chinese preamp tubes! Anyway, here's some pics.