I got a pretty nice deal on this Les Paul Custom. I think i finally found a les paul that suits me. The previous owned swapped out all the gold hardware for silver including a mirror pick guard for the john sykes effect. The hardware is actually much shinier in person! The weight is balanced, not too heavy not too light. The neck shape is similar to my prs wide thin although not quite as wide. I love it!
westtexasred wrote:Looks great! Is a it a '90s Les Paul? What are the pickups?
Why hello, fellow Les Paul Custom brother! You have a good eye, sir. It is indeed a 91' Les Paul custom 57' BB reissue. The body is all mahogany, and possibly non weight relieved. The pickups are the original 57 classics that came stock with the guitar. Smooth output with "haunting mids" yes yes.