So basically i salvaged this beat up MIJ sunburst jaguar i found on craigslist 2 years ago... this kid was trying to get rid of it for 200 dollars because he thought he ruined the guitar. he routed out humbucker sized holes himself and failed. he made the holes too big and the mounting rings were lopsided. it was just a disaster. so i put single coil stock pickups back in it, gave it a nice mint green pickguard which i reliced ( sanded the finish off with scotch bright, and used the old shoe polish trick to give it a trashy dirty look), installed a buzzstop and a mustang bridge... SO i would now like to install a toggle switch like in the kurt cobain signature model jaguar. Where does one buy the toggle switch / plate from? i just find it so much more practical and love the way it looks. Anyone with information where i can buy the part please help! and eventually ill need the schematics too! thanks
Lets see that Jaguar! and I got one of these plates from HNB. I don't know where he got it but I know there are a few guys on OS that make these and other custom control parts. But I guess they are high in demand because they told me there is a waiting list when I asked for one before. I think the one you are looking to buy costs $45.00 Correct me if I am wrong HNB.
Congratulations! Your Punkacc9 evolved into Awstin.
He goes by Stereordinary on OSG. You could pm him there. I saw you made the same post there. If you google cobain wiring diagram, it will show you some wiring options.
Thanks! I ordered the plate from Paul honey should be getting it within a week. I assume I have to buy to toggle switch seperately? If so what switch fits? If you can throw a link or a nameup whatever so I can search it on eBay that'd b a huh help! And as soon as I'm done installing it I shall post pictures of my girl!
Personally I don't like the way those plates look with just the toggle there by itself, there's too much unbroken expanse of chrome, more than you'd need for just the one switch, and it just doesn't look right to me. I think it looks a lot better if you keep the bass cut switch there too. Then it's fine.
I wish I could get a trace or something of one of those. I do side work at a machine shop. I'd make one out of stainless, aluminum, or brass. I'm not paying $45 tho. I'll figure something out.
h8mtv wrote:I wish I could get a trace or something of one of those. I do side work at a machine shop. I'd make one out of stainless, aluminum, or brass. I'm not paying $45 tho. I'll figure something out.
LOL just trace a normal one and instead of the middle and upper switch draw a hole center that is toggle size. I am sure you could easily make a prototype to cut out of thicker stuff. I have owned two. The circle is basically centered where the two switches would normally be.