I assumed this would be fine as it's made by Gibson and assumed Nitros friendly blah-de-blah... and perfectly compliant with my Fender.
I continued to dot the liquid over the top of the body and then began to polish, with a guitar cloth. Straight away it left noticeable circles in the finish where the drops lay. Luckily its a fairly beaten Jazzy and not a closest classic.... but you can still see the marks slightly. I grabbed a very damp cloth a cleaned off what I could.
This is probably the worst affected area showing the best example of the damage done....
Now is this taking a layer of dirt off or a reaction to nitros ? I looked at the bottle and it says it contains. Petroleum Distillates, is something that isn't Nitros friendly ?
It had me a little worried. Seems really aggressive stuff. I can rub it over with my finger and it's smudge over, but still leave the slight indents as shown here. It seems there is a lot of surface grime... but it's always been this way. As is the paint has never cured properly. I'm looking for advice on what is a safe option to clean and polish the guitar ? There's a lot mistiness to the finish and it seems to me it needs a clean and buffing up. Re-lustered if you will...
Any suggestions on what maybe have happened here, and the best way to proceed ?