The outside of the jack inputs have been sheared off the band bass amp & I need to find some replacements. They have 5 pins & are pcb mounted, have looked on Maplin & not suprised they don't stock them. Any idea what they are called or where I can find them?
Good news, the jacks were the right ones. Bad news is the old ones are proving a right pain to desolder.
The pins are almost wedged in the holes, have used a solder sucker that helped but there still some small amounts of solder holding the pins in place. Would solder wick help?
If you had trouble getting the old one out and it's a double-sided board, it's possible you pulled out a through-hole plating; or maybe cracked a track. Can you try wiring round it?
NickS wrote:If you had trouble getting the old one out and it's a double-sided board, it's possible you pulled out a through-hole plating; or maybe cracked a track. Can you try wiring round it?
I was thinking through hole plating myself, going to get the magnifiying glass on the holes next time I'm in the studio. A large blob of solder might be in order.