I picked up a 1967 Fender Coronado II in May and because of the freakishly warm weather, we were still running the AC until about 3 days ago. Now it's very cold and we are running the heaters all the time.
For my acoustic guitars, I use humidifiers to keep moisture in and leave them in their cases to protect them from the extra dry heat. The Coronado II is my first hollowbody electric and I was wondering what kind of care I need to take to keep the guitar in good condition during the winter months.
Do I need to get a humidifier? What do you do to take care of your hollowbody electric guitars?
I should think keeping it in its case & away from exterior walls, heat sources & drafts would be enough. It has already lasted 40 odd years without any trouble.
I had a friend who left his acoustic guitar on the wall in the winter and it split the top. I know the hollowbody has thicker wood than an acoustic, I just want to make sure I am treating her right.
JamesSmann wrote:Send it to me. For the winter. Give that beautiful guitar a nice, San Diego vacation.
I appreciate the generous offer, but I want all my "kids" home for the holidays.
At some point, I need a new case for the Coronado II. The current case is coming apart and came with duct tape on it. Maybe some repair work may be in order.
JamesSmann wrote:Send it to me. For the winter. Give that beautiful guitar a nice, San Diego vacation.
I appreciate the generous offer, but I want all my "kids" home for the holidays.
At some point, I need a new case for the Coronado II. The current case is coming apart and came with duct tape on it. Maybe some repair work may be in order.
Ha ha! Fair enough. It's gorgeous, btw. A Coronado II is still most assuredly on my bucket list.
Forum member EllenGtrGrl who lives in Wisconsin once said:
"I really don't know if it's that big of a deal, I've been playing semi-hollows off and on for the past 24 years, and I've never used an in-case humidifier. I've never had any humidity related issues with my guitars either. "
It'll be fine, as far as I'm aware it is a laminate guitar, but even if it's not I wouldn't worry. I keep all my guitars in cases anyway as I don't like leaving them out but I've not had a problem with my Eastman in the past couple of years and it is all solid. If you are really worried I'd grab a Planet waves humidipak refill pack and stick the packets in the storage compartment of whatever case you keep the guitar in.
cobascis wrote:I am somewhat interested in this too. I have a new acoustic and a coronado to care for this winter.
In Dallas what qualifies as cold?
It has been in the 70s and the last 3 days the lows have been below freezing and the highs have been under 50. Two years ago we had enough snow that we were off school for 6 days and that has never happened in my lifetime. Weather is constantly jumping up and down. I think the cold weather is finally here to stay but you never know around here.
For my acoustics, I have a humidifier for each guitar and I keep them in the case when they are not in use.