Just tested a new Klon board. Pretty crowded on here, but it's a full Klon that fits in an MXR-sized enclosure (vertically orientated this time) with board mounted pots. Works nicely!
timhulio wrote:Just tested a new Klon board. Pretty crowded on here, but it's a full Klon that fits in an MXR-sized enclosure (vertically orientated this time) with board mounted pots. Works nicely!
Wow! That's is really impressive, I don't think i've ever seen one so small! You should sell pcbs, the diy guys would go crazy for these.
sp3k wrote:Actually I saw a guy fit one on a 1590A, but he used smd stuff, that's cheating :p
There is at least one dude who's put the Klon in a 1590A using mini through-hole resistors. It's not too hard to do, but I don't think his pots are board mounted and obviously there's no room for a battery. Not that I'd advocate using a battery anyway.
The small size is also an invitation to a world of pain if you're building more than a few pedals, and I'm not too convinced we need a Klon smaller than MXR-sized.
They're £100 each. I've sold loads on TGP and ebay, and quite a few on OSG. The build time really isn't too bad. It takes me a few hours to populate a batch of 10 boards, and I've made wiring them into the box as straightforward as possible without using board mounted switch and jacks.
Tim, i love the unpleasant companion. I love love love love love it. I had been after something that was really aggressive but different. The problem with a lot of distortions is that i play through a mesa and the dirty channel is fantastic and when i add something it usually doesn't sound as good as it did before. I keep the gain way up. I was wanting something that was different. I wanted it to sound like my mesa had caught on fire. I wanted rude and obnoxious. I also wanted fuzz instead of distortion. The mesa dimed and the unpleasant companion dimed is un-fucking-real!!! It was like you read my mind and said here this is what you want and you were right! I'm on a mission to own one of each of yours. I'm bringing this one to the studio and i'm going to let them use it there on a few tracks besides mine. I used it with another new pedal i got for christmas and together they are unreal. I'll tell you somewhere else what i used it with. It was totally ridiculous! The artwork is A+ also! So, thanks again and i'm all in with you! I would strongly recommend it.
cur wrote:I need it to be smaller or I get shitty messages from mezz telling me my junk's too big.
Chico Malo wrote:This thread just went down the toilet. Bye
Gabriel - coolio, the first batch of vertical klones are off getting drilled now. There's gonna be 100 of them! I'll be sure to do the usual announcement when they're back from the painters (likely 4-6 weeks).
I'm amazed at how long these things take! I've got the first batch of 100 vertical Klones back from the drilling place. They're off to be powder coated tomorrow.
In the meantime, I've built loads of other nice pedals. Here's a batch for a shop in Melbourne:
Johno wrote:Mate you need to get yourself over to NAMM. Your pedals have come a long way, well done.
Cheers mate. NAMM is a bit of a mission, but I had considered Musicmesse in Frankfurt. Shame there are no proper UK guitar shows or trade events to show this stuff off.