At this stage I cannot be personally sure about the toxic thing, as some comparative gut shots seem to have disappeared on the threads I read about it so CAVEAT: I MIGHT BE WRONG AND JUST REPEATING HEARSAY........IT IS YET TO BE PROVEN BY SOME BETTER RESEARCH THAN MINE.
....But in re-checking my facts I did read all 31 pages of this thread which has some IMMENSE dickery from Fruckish Bloooz dickhead. Incredible. What a knob. He avoids all questions by posting a geamanndude video, denies his own nname is 'ken', posts negative comments on another builders youtube account, pretends that his own member account has been hacked and it's not actually FB Ken making the posts AND has a sock puppet posting via a proxy. Respect to Phil O'Keefe for moderating that mess in a very astute way near the end (i think he posts here occasionally - major kudos to you, sir, if you read this). ... oxicpedals
Seriously Fuckish Ken, you are just a piece of 'god fearing, family oriented' excrement. Fuck your brand, and
fuck you.