I sold my 1999 Guild Bluesbird and bought a '66 Mustang I found on Craigslist. The guitar seems to be in good overall shape though I have some questions about the originality of a couple of things. The pick guard is new and doesn't seem to fit particularly well. I can't tell if the body finish is original, but my hunch is that it's an older refinish. I just got the guitar, so I haven't checked out the pickups yet. The headstock has a lot of crazing, while the body finish doesn't.
The action was set very high leading me to think the previous owner may have played a lot of slide. The fingerboard seems to have very little wear. The guy I bought it from was an art dealer and said he took in the guitar on trade for some art restoration work he did. The neck numbers and serial match up, so at least I know they are original.
I bought the guitar sight unseen except for a few photos provided by the owner, and so far I'm happy. I'll get the guitar set up and check out the pickups and see the color under the pick guard then.
Very nice! The only part I can tell is newer from the pics is the bridge. A vintage one would have raised domes at the little allen key holes that are above the bridge posts.
looks like daphne blue to me, but definitely a refinished body and changed guard. the pickups should have grey bobbins with a pencilled date, cloth-covered wire, etc...