So, this local dude in a band posted a for sale for his Bronco as he needs a bass amp.
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He said he thinks he could get $350 out of it and has an offer for just under that right now, though he's a bit on the fence about that. He really likes it but needs a bass amp more, and knowing his band this is a true story, he always has to borrow from other bands.
Says it's a 76 in neck and hardware but thinks the body is a Duosonic body because of the color, though I'm fairly certain that's impossible since it has the routes for that weird ass Bronco bridge.
Obviously I can't play the damn thing, but I'm very tempted to buy it off of him anyway. What do y'all think?
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
tell him sell it on ebay either as parts or a full guitar -- the bridge alone is worth close to half what he's asking for the whole thing
buy it and be a profiteer on ebay yourself
buy it and sell it here and be a bro-deal-super-guy
buy it and hold onto it for a while -- maybe your son would want it?
the lack of being a lefty guitar kinda screws you a little bit, but there's some good karma in it for you somewhere. i know i'd buy and keep it if i had the means.
Okay, I think I'm going to buy it off him. Not sure yet if I'll pass it along or not, I do really like the thing though. I'm definitely not flipping it on ebay, it'll either go to a bro-deal here or it'll be something I hang onto as a collector item. I've always loved Broncos.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
I should have it in my hands in about 4 hours. I'm thinking I'm going to hold onto it for a while, I've never been able to have a Bronco before and I've always wanted one. I'll figure out later on what I do with it.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Well, I can assure all that I'm not going to ever ebay it. It might go to my son years from now if he gets more into playing guitar than he is now. But, it'll be nice to have a right handed guitar around the house for when he's over and I can give him lessons a lot easier without lugging his Cyclone back and forth every time I have the kids.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
I have it now. Giving it the once over, pics to come.
It looks like it was originally a black Bronco. When it was refin'd they didn't remove the old paint, just applied what appears to be acrylic over the old black finish. In some areas I can see the black original.
Just took off the guard, looks like before they refin'd it someone very crudely routed a neck pickup route, and a pickup selector area. Routes are not well done at all. This was definitely an original Bronco body, the only route that looks professional is the bridge pup route.
After that they applied whatever kind of paint this baby blue is, then later I guess someone just reverted it back to the original spec with a replacement guard, I don't think this guard is original. Has the name and address of a shop in San Francisco on the underside of the guard.
The guy I bought it from didn't do any of this, he aquired it after all of this was done. I don't think he ever took the guard off at all.
I think I'm going to leave it as is, just going to clean up the tuners and give it a good setup. It sounds pretty decent, very bright. No trem arm unfortunately.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now