I was given a cheapy mandolin a couple of years back and recently it’s been my latest obsession (number 232,355 to be precise). I’m currently learning ‘King of the Fairies’ and am making sexy eyes at ‘The Lilting Banshee’ next. It’s been really useful to learn in a new way and take time to address my shoddy fingering technique. I’ll then translate DAVE-FINGERING-TECH 2.0 back over to guitar and be more wizard than Steve Vai. Or not.
Anyway, I’m going to get my hands on a cheapish electric mando and have narrowed it down to a Eastwood Mandocaster (under a different &cheaper brand name), or an Epiphone Mandobird VIII. Just wondered if anyone has first hand experience with them?
Additionally I’m hoping folks like deaddonkey can point me at any useful info on playing Mandos REALLY FUCKING WELL.
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