The back contour is not that difficult on a semi-hollow, the front is harder but can be done but it interferes with the F hole. Check TDPRI on how it can be done. I would say a solid body out of Pauloina (very resonant) with strat type contours. It would sound much like a semi-hollow but take the contours.
Hmmm, I may have to add that to the list of projects to get to...
Last edited by kdanie on Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You can never have to many guitars, guns or motorcycles!
finboy wrote:Squier vm thinline body+ squier vm jm neck = super cheap awesome guitar. The electronics and term were added on but that stuff is easy to source
so is the neck pocket tele like or strat like on that body? I guess I don't know much about the thinline series.
I honestly can't remember, the neck is off of the tele VM special but it still says jazzmaster on the neck, so my guess is that all of the VM line use the same pocket? I know the thinline uses a 24 3/4 neck, but a conversion bridge (weird, I know) so you can swap a 25.5 neck and standard bridge to get 25.5 scale (found on some tele forum thread)