you don't find it ironic that the most famous one off custom shop creation, nobody seems to care. but a relic copy of brownie everyone is like, oh please let me be like the man that just bought a 4 million dollar custom shop ferrari
I get that, but at the same time I think Kurt would probably rather the guitar be used than to have it sitting in some museum or collector's glass case.
So he added a string tree and replaced the that such a crime? He didn't refinish it, plaster it with stickers, or route it and cut it up like the crack stang. Maybe those guys who drool over brownie copies are corksniffers, but what does that make the person offended by a string tree on Kurt's Jag-Stang? (for all we know it's a replacement neck anyway)
I don't think it has a different body shape, just a purpose built pickguard. Maybe the upper horn is a little different but it's hard to tell because we've never seen it up close and dead-on. I've always suspected they just got lazier with the red one and used more MIJ Mustang bits.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
i know billy! shit pisses me right the fuck off. im going to give pete a call tonight and make him apologize to the world. or else im gonna fuck him up!
i think i can take him, mother fucker seems soft. ima start callin him charmin, cuz that bitch is ULTRA SOFT!