I'm not sure why they selected the appointments that they did. It probably just comes down to the designer / master builder's personal taste and selection. They're not meant to be vintage-correct or anything. I've never seen a Mustang with that nice a piece of maple for the neck. Or in most of those colors. At least not straight from Fender.

Think of them as a modern, high quality USA custom-built version of the Mustang, made with first rate materials and craftsmanship, and released in very limited numbers.
I think they look pretty cool, but if you preferred it with different covers or a different pickguard, it wouldn't be that hard to change.
Here's a couple more pictures of them I found online. They appear to have been shot with the booth's "mood lighting" turned off (or way down), so they're a bit clearer than my photo.
And here's a close-up of the pickups and guard. Unlike 60s era vintage models (which used a different color pickguard and pickup covers on white guitars instead of the white pickguard / black covers found on red and blue Mustangs), these all had the same pickguards and pickup covers, regardless of the body color. And of course, all of them have custom shop pickups under the covers.
The stock pickguard on my '71 Mustang is pearl, and the stock covers are black. The guitar is red, and the combination looks "right" to me - from the Mustang's introduction in late '64 all the way through the '73 competition Mustangs, all "red" Mustangs had black pickup covers and either white, or pearl pickguards. But some other combinations can look cool too... I've also got a refinished seafoam green '75 Music Master (now a Duo Sonic) with a white replacement pickguard. I've tried it with white pickup covers and with black ones - I slightly prefer the look of the black ones on that guitar, but I've had a few people tell me they prefer the look with the white covers. Everyone's going to have their own preferences, and I suspect that for a lot of people, those may vary, depending on the body color.
I really didn't hate any of the Mustangs I saw at NAMM, in spite of the fact they all had the same pickguards and covers... although I do think the combination they selected "works" against some body colors better than others. YMMV