which is better

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which jazzmaster is better?

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Post by louis »


it would have been better if you'd have ended with a 'deez nuts' thing, but thats ok. good work.
Twitter: @fearthelivinguk
theshadowofseattle wrote:Nothin' but orange groves and black augs, as far as the eye could see.
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Post by More Cowbell »

YOU WON'T GET YOUR MONEY BACK FROM WESTERN UNION! I've been ripped off on ebay from using western union! DON'T BUY A GUITAR FROM THIS SCAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
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Post by b-spot »

i never come closer than 60ft of western union,
also that's only one of four times i got him.
i just showed the most current.

i haven't hit'em with deez nutz yet,
because i kinda wanna see what these guitars look like.
they may be funny lookin' knockoffs?
keep in mind i don't have any intention of buying one,
never really did in the first place.
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Post by Nick »

He doesn't HAVE any of the guitars. If he actually had customers to attend to, who were satisfied, they would buy ALL of his guitars and resell them to make themselves rich.

Scammers like this pretty much thrive on people who won't listen to trewth, because in the back of their mind there is a little voice, asking themselves "but what if it isn't a scam? I mean, that's the way business works, you pay someone, then they send you something, right? I'm dealing with a real person, and if I don't like the guitar, I can return it, or get some sort of buyer protection, right?"

Truth is, if you buy anything from him you won't get a rip off copy guitar. He will take your money and you will never hear from him again. Or your package will get lost in the mail and no way to refund.

Once I sold a Line 6 DL4 pedal on ebay. Some guy in italy bid it up to $227, paid me quick, I shipped it out, and after 2 weeks started complaining that he didn't get it yet. Stuff sometimes can take up to 2 months to get overseas by post office, but that's how he told me to send it, so whatever.....dude files a claim with paypal, and because there's no way to track packages outside the US, paypal wouldn't buy my story, or my reciept, or my copy of the stamped customs form from the PO. He managed to have paypal rape the $227 back from me, and kept my pedal.

Believe me, scams are out there and VERY real. I don't think the jagmaster guy I dealt with was a scammer. He was just an immature dipshit who thought he'd play a cruel joke on me because I wanted the guitar I paid for to be shipped out at least 2 weeks from when he said he would.
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Post by More Cowbell »

nick...jagmaster guy? wtf? whats the deal with that?
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Post by Nick »

read page one cowbell. I know I have pics somewhere.......lemme dig through my comp and find them
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Post by Nick »

This is what I saw:


I turned around and ebayed it with a BIN of $100. sold in a couple hours. Took a hit of $40.
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Post by More Cowbell »

I remember that now. THAT SUCKS! :(
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Post by superfuzz »

that guitar was pertty hot, too bad that guy couldn't pack.
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Post by Nick »

I know....it played really well too......

I'm sure the guy could pack.......but he was playing games with me the whole transaction...I first emailed him asking for pics and he responds very rude.....something along the lines of "why do you want to see it? do you want to buy it? or just look at it like everyone else?" that should've been enough to put me off it, but it was only $140, and I really wanted it anyways....so I went through the motions....the pics looked good so I was like oh well.....doesn't take paypal? Well money order's still SORT OF secure....

He gets my money monday, says he'll send it out thursday for sure. I email him monday asking if it's sent yet, and he starts threatening that he could keep my money legally and he doesn't have to send my guitar. Then he says he's just joking and will send it as soon as he gets a box for it....I do not respond well to this. He responds with more shit....I realize I'd better just get my guitar before he runs off with my cash. So I tell him that I'm sorry, and I'm just really skeptical dealing with someone I do not know, not going through ebay or paypal, and that he should be able to understand my frustration, and just to get it out as soon as possible. He responded with "no worries, I couldn't get ahold of a large box so I took the neck off and will send them seperate. It will go out on thursday. I get the guitar the following tuesday (it's now been 3 weeks).........and the rest as they say, is history.
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Post by superfuzz »

Nick wrote:I know....it played really well too......

I'm sure the guy could pack.......but he was playing games with me the whole transaction...I first emailed him asking for pics and he responds very rude.....something along the lines of "why do you want to see it? do you want to buy it? or just look at it like everyone else?" that should've been enough to put me off it, but it was only $140, and I really wanted it anyways....so I went through the motions....the pics looked good so I was like oh well.....doesn't take paypal? Well money order's still SORT OF secure....

He gets my money monday, says he'll send it out thursday for sure. I email him monday asking if it's sent yet, and he starts threatening that he could keep my money legally and he doesn't have to send my guitar. Then he says he's just joking and will send it as soon as he gets a box for it....I do not respond well to this. He responds with more shit....I realize I'd better just get my guitar before he runs off with my cash. So I tell him that I'm sorry, and I'm just really skeptical dealing with someone I do not know, not going through ebay or paypal, and that he should be able to understand my frustration, and just to get it out as soon as possible. He responded with "no worries, I couldn't get ahold of a large box so I took the neck off and will send them seperate. It will go out on thursday. I get the guitar the following tuesday (it's now been 3 weeks).........and the rest as they say, is history.
people suck!
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Post by Aug »

superfuzz wrote:
Nick wrote:I know....it played really well too......

I'm sure the guy could pack.......but he was playing games with me the whole transaction...I first emailed him asking for pics and he responds very rude.....something along the lines of "why do you want to see it? do you want to buy it? or just look at it like everyone else?" that should've been enough to put me off it, but it was only $140, and I really wanted it anyways....so I went through the motions....the pics looked good so I was like oh well.....doesn't take paypal? Well money order's still SORT OF secure....

He gets my money monday, says he'll send it out thursday for sure. I email him monday asking if it's sent yet, and he starts threatening that he could keep my money legally and he doesn't have to send my guitar. Then he says he's just joking and will send it as soon as he gets a box for it....I do not respond well to this. He responds with more shit....I realize I'd better just get my guitar before he runs off with my cash. So I tell him that I'm sorry, and I'm just really skeptical dealing with someone I do not know, not going through ebay or paypal, and that he should be able to understand my frustration, and just to get it out as soon as possible. He responded with "no worries, I couldn't get ahold of a large box so I took the neck off and will send them seperate. It will go out on thursday. I get the guitar the following tuesday (it's now been 3 weeks).........and the rest as they say, is history.
people suck!
especially fags and women who love diamonds! :lol:
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Post by gaybear »

Nick wrote:I know....it played really well too......

I'm sure the guy could pack.......but he was playing games with me the whole transaction...I first emailed him asking for pics and he responds very rude.....something along the lines of "why do you want to see it? do you want to buy it? or just look at it like everyone else?" that should've been enough to put me off it, but it was only $140, and I really wanted it anyways....so I went through the motions....the pics looked good so I was like oh well.....doesn't take paypal? Well money order's still SORT OF secure....

He gets my money monday, says he'll send it out thursday for sure. I email him monday asking if it's sent yet, and he starts threatening that he could keep my money legally and he doesn't have to send my guitar. Then he says he's just joking and will send it as soon as he gets a box for it....I do not respond well to this. He responds with more shit....I realize I'd better just get my guitar before he runs off with my cash. So I tell him that I'm sorry, and I'm just really skeptical dealing with someone I do not know, not going through ebay or paypal, and that he should be able to understand my frustration, and just to get it out as soon as possible. He responded with "no worries, I couldn't get ahold of a large box so I took the neck off and will send them seperate. It will go out on thursday. I get the guitar the following tuesday (it's now been 3 weeks).........and the rest as they say, is history.

what the hell is wrong with people?
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Post by b-spot »

OMFG!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:


it looked soo nice in the three pics.
but i bought my super-sonic instead.
i think he was rude because i was just about to buy it until,
i declined.

my super-sonic was about the same price, 150cnd.

that guy's from alabama, jay walker right?
fuck, i wanted that guitar so bad.
how could he not have a box, if it's sitting in a form fitting, foam sided
box in the pictures?
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Post by Nick »

Here are all my saved emails from this deal: Unfortunately 95% of them are from my sent folder. Wish I saved this dude's address I'd send him a ton of shit.
If I just wanted to see pics of a red jagmaster I'd use google.

Yes I would be very interested in it, depending on the condition and any issues it may have. If you could take a few pics and provide a more detailed description of its condition, it'd be much appreciated.

Looks very good, very interested party here, bear with me, I'm not here to just look at pics

Would you be interested in any full or partial trades for any effects? In particualar I have a Line 6 DL4, that I would be willing to make an even exchange for.....the pedal doesn't drop below $170 on ebay even used very often....only problem it has is that batteries don't work with it for some odd reason. It works just fine with the power adapter, and I would include an cord that converts boss style adapters to line 6 style.

Also, I've got a Peavey Dirty Dog distortion/overdrive and a DOD flanger....both work and look 100% fine, I could trade both + $90.....

If you just want $130 cash, is shipping included? or how much do you want with shipping included to zip code 12211. If possible, I could also trade one of the previously mentioned pedals in exchange for shipping costs.

Let me know what you'd like to do, or if there's anything else you'd be looking for to trade with.

Alright, sounds good. Shipping charge is very reasonable, thanks. I don't have a problem just paying the amount+shipping in cash as you're trying to limit your guitar equipment. I just have a few more questions if you don't mind.

1.don't mean to be a skeptic, but just to verify, there aren't any noticeable dents, chips, or deep scratches on the body not shown in pics? All frets are fine without dead spots or significant fretbuzz? Only reason I ask is because I know buying a used guitar is just that, and there's always bound to be some signs of use (such as pickguard scratches, belt buckle rash, a small scratch/chip here and there) which I'm cool with, but unlike a guitar shop or E-Bay, buying from a non-local internet classifieds works strictly on the honor system and there isn't really a means of buyer protection or satisfaction feedback rating. Once again, the pics look good and I have little to no doubt that there's anything wrong with it, even if there is some minor paint chips or dents I'll still probably take it for that price. I just want to make sure I know as much as I can before I actually send payment.

2.Can you take paypal? I have the funds in my account already so it won't deduct fees. If so do I send it to homeless_jimmy@hotmail.com?

3.How is it being shipped? If I paid $4 more for shipping could you get tracking on it?

4.How soon can you ship it from the time I pay you? Funds are in my account, I can pay you the day before whenever that is. If you can ship it tomorrow, I can pay you tonight.

Thanks again,
Money order will work fine. What's your address? I can get a money order and send payment most likely by saturday.
Yeah, I'm going to send $146 with delivery confirmation....you should get the payment by around tuesday, email me when you get payment. When you ship the guitar, please get online tracking with it and email me with the tracking number.

Thanks again,
I mailed out the Money Order on monday, you should definately be getting it tomorrow or saturday if you haven't already. Keep me posted.
Sweet man, be sure to shoot me an email with the tracking number and so on.
Jay Walker <homeless_jimmy@hotmail.com> wrote:
I just got the money order today. I shall deposit the money order and then ship out your guitar tomorrow.
hey man, it's going on a week, tracking number please? I paid $5 extra for tracking if I can recall.

If tracking was more than $5 or you didn't bother getting it, a nice friendly "hey your guitar's been shipped today" would work almost as good, but right now for all I know you still have the guitar AND my money. if I don't get the guitar or a reply in the next 10 days I'm reporting the money order and getting a refund.
I wish I had saved the next email he sent me.
Dude, I'm just a bit nervous about dealing online outside of ebay, so I'd like to be kept up to date about the guitar at all times. I'm sure you understand. Sorry if I came off sounding arrogant, but if there was going to be a delay I'd like to have known about it when it happened.

Fair enough?
He sent back an email in a friendlier tone this time......saying that he's sent it
Thank you......for the piece of shit. there's dents all over the front of this thing which may or may not have occured from the lack of packaging. The lack of paint chips tells me the dents on the bottom weren't from shipping though. I can't believe this man. In a perfect world I would get my money back and send you back this shit. BUt since you didn't take paypal, refused to go through ebay, etc......I've been proper scammed and there's no practical solution to resolve this legally. So unless you're a karma junkie, then there's a special place in hell for lame dudes like you.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... %3AIT&rd=1

This is when he accused me of smashing the guitar with a hammer.

What'd I do to it? I took it out of the box....stuff like this is sort of what happens when you put a guitar body and a neck loose in a bigass box without any newspaper or bubblewrap in there for padding....you can't exactly throw a couple of finished wood products in a cardboard box, ship them across the country by truck and plane, without having them knock into each other a billion times on the way.

Think writting fragile on it is going to stop it from being thrown around?

I've got no reason to be bullshitting you so you can calm down. You can understand why I'd be pissed.....I pay for a guitar that looks great, wait a month, and get........this...... at my door. If it happened to you I'm sure you'd want to email the seller and let him know your feelings. Whether or not this thing was perfect when you shipped it out, (which I know it had to have been in much better shape before it hit a few potholes), it got damaged like this due to lack of packaging, and it's what I ended up with.

Nothing I'm asking you to do. An appology would be appreciated but when it comes down to it, I'd never buy from you again, nor am I legally entitled to a refund, so no matter what, I'm gonna be out $50. Live and learn....best lessons in life are the most expensive it seems
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Post by gaybear »

plopswagon wrote: Drunk and disorderly conduct is the cradle of democracy.
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Post by Nick »

duh, I meant his physical address. I would have gay porn catalogs sent to his house. for realz.
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Post by gaybear »

ah, then you could send him shit in the literal sense. that would be nice.
plopswagon wrote: Drunk and disorderly conduct is the cradle of democracy.
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Post by Nick »

yeah......or a beat up old guitar smeared in shit. :lol:
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Post by b-spot »

Nick wrote:duh, I meant his physical address. I would have gay porn catalogs sent to his house. for realz.
here's what i do to my enemies,
put there name and number in the want adds under the gay community.


in this case, put his email address on the "wanting to hook up"
section of a gay message bored.
and write some falacious, queer discription about him.

next, sit back and wait for his in-box to flood.

***he's from alabama, this will be fucking hilarious!!!***
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