i just found trash and live versions
i just figgured start is correct , , but after it them ive becomed into a big mess
sad album version is too much polished

ay last live versions got more beautiful and misteryous lyric
funny sound like defence of cortney ....
can sound about jezus crist ...... he stabbed in his hands .... and not dyed on his room
can sound kurt talking about hes endeless stomach pain
can sound about drugs ...... fog ... is a thing you see when using grass

sad kurt removed too much pieces of lyric ....
they needed a solo ... or a Dark Ohhhh uhhhh chorus on solo
they needed a dark , mysterious effects ....
damn is too good music to be dropped

4 mistakes kurt did .... dont released sappy dont released vcv and dont released YKYR dont released do re mi
those 4 songs have force do a gold album ...
also have Ive league , Nobody Knows That I'm New Wave , Maniac , Skid Marks , Erectum , Even In His Youth , Koollegged , Song In 'D' ,