Yeah, had a go on one yesterday and it was very nice. Had it plugged into a Fender Deluxe, the pickups were nice and crunchy and it played nicely enough. Totes not worth over £600 like, but I still like it.
I do like a stripped back LP not keen on the over the top gold hardware and stuff that Gibson seem to like but these bare bonez types are right up my street...
Thing is, I like the basic Gibson headstock more than I like the standard Epiphone one. But I adore the HUGE epiphone headstock, the one that looks like a big bulbous knob. Like on the P93 Riviera I just bought.
If Epiphone made a Les Paul with that headstock I'd smash my penis into it.
plaidbeer wrote:
Absolutely hate those patterned/striped/whatever finishes. What is that style actually called?
Flame (or tiger/curly) maple.
It can work in a classy way if sunburst is involved, but other transparent color finishes seem to reek of teh post grungez and Chad Kroeger breath.
That's exactly (along with most PRS guitars I've seen) what I think of when I see guitars with that finish. I couldn't ever buy a guitar with that finish. Epiphone uses that with their LP Standard Plustop Pros, too.
I really only prefer Gibson over Epiphone because I hate the name Epiphone. It's stupid and it sucks and it should kill itself and die. And the headstock looks like ass. Other than that, they coo.
George wrote:
i like these but i'm not 7 foot tall
But I think after all these mildy self-deprecating posts you'd be fine saying "I'm not that comfortable with such a wide/fat guitar", George! There are many diminutive gents (some likely much shorter than yourself) that get on fine with charming boats like the above. Such boxy guitars are simply not your thing. Cool, but is it all about height?
BTW, the Sorrento is more than a half inch narrower than a 335.
Teh Yorkie: 5' 5.25" w/massive Casino.
Agnus Young: 5' 2", w/an ES-335
Paul Simon: 5' 3" & stocky arms playing a bigass Rivera XII.
Prince: 5' 2", and what looks like a late '70s (SHORTSCALE) Byrdland.