I want to put a sidejack on a mustang by the control plate but what kind of plate should I get? Would a football jack be too thick? Being that the mustang body is thinner.
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do you have a strat jack you can measure? i know when i did it on my tele years ago i was suprised that it went almost completely side to side, tho it wasn't a standard run of thte mill tele or anything. i don't even remember how thick the body was..... but it was a beast.
Nope. And I mean the strat jack on the back not the side. I guess what I am really asking is, what can I use for the side of the body for the jack to mount that isnt too thick?
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shit man, for the side, i would cut out a piece of a record, or score a bit of pickguard material, walla, side jack.
i wouldn't dick with a tele style or anything like the electro jack.
you might be able to do what shad did to the sguar. the jack busted thru the front. and he used a bit from a strap lock to re-secure it. might work really well. might not.
What about a flush endpin jack for an acoustic guitar? Just drill a half inch hole (or whatever is right) from the edge to hit the control cavity. Something like this is very narrow and only costs a few bucks:
I've got a guitar that was drilled to mount a football jack. I'll measure the size of the hole later and get back to you. It is quite thin body though, so my guess is you'd be fine.
The hole I drilled to fit the football jack plate is 23mm, but would probably have been done with an imperial bit as I did it in America. That's about 9/10". One thing I don't know is the dimension of the plate itself, but you should be able to find that online at some store that sells them.