Rotary Switches

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Rotary Switches

Post by James »

I'm looking to buy a rotary switch to do Bridge/B+N Series/B+N Parallel/Neck type wiring. I think that means I want a 3 pole/4 throw switch. Is there a good place in the UK to buy one of those without spending crazy money? A lot of what I saw when I looked either had PCB terminals or a 2 metre long shaft that I'd have to cut down.

Also, is it better to have 'Make Before Break' or 'Break Before Make' for a pickup selector switch. Does it even matter?

Maplin have a 3P4T rotary with solder lugs for £2.09 which is a decent price. Should I just buy this and cut the shaft down with a junior hacksaw? link

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Post by ekwatts »

I bought a three-way from a model train site in the UK and chopped the shaft down when I did the wiring on my Nu-Sonic. It was still a knurled metal split-shaft, just amusingly elongated. It works fine.
Brandon W wrote:you elites.
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Post by George »

sounds like you need 3p4t but i can't remember exactly where i got my 2p6t

musikding i think ... 33_85.html

make sure you get one with lugs instead of spikes though. also 3p4t could be deep so make sure the rout will fit (mine was tight)