ok, really digging the bass so far - lots of "thump" and yet some good treble, too. that neck is just excellent and didn't require a level and crown.
so what next? let's quiet the beast a bit by installing a switchable dummy coil. these coils are "dumb" in that there's no magnetics - just a coil of wire. i used a cheap asian strat pickup and knocked off the under slung ceramic magnet, but left the ferrous non-magnetic pole pieces. i replaced the tone pot with a push/pull 250ka pot so that if need be i could turn off/on the dummy coil.
first up is to rout out an area on the body top to locate the dummy coil ....
replace the tone pot with the push/pull pot ....
install and wire up the dummy coil ....
and then test it out ... Most Excellent! the humbuzz is hugely reduced without sacrificing "tone" ...