Pickups, pedals, amps, cabs, combos

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Post by Aiden »

After a two or three weeks of searching and some heartbreak involving my local guitar shop, I managed to get an EHX MicroPOG off SS's very own othomas2. It arrived today and so far it's amazing. The organ thing is even more fun to do than I thought it would be, the tracking is just as good as I'd heard. Can't wait to run it at proper volume and with the rest of my fx setup in the practice room sometime soon. I'm really in love. It does that thing that new gear should do, where you immediately start playing stuff you've never played before. Messing around with different pickups on the Sunn Mustang that I got a few days ago combined with this pedal is a lot of fun. Neck pickup and palm mute going on it all starts to sound like Stevie Wonder basslines. I'm happy.
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Post by othomas2 »

It's a great pedal, glad it's working for you. :D