So I found that bound neck I have been looking for. I picked this up today. SEAFOAM GREEN. The previous owner got a cool walnut guard for it. I dig it. Looks cool on that colo. I have a spare blacktop jag neck I will put on this as I am taking the bound one. Thinking about installing a jag trem, maybe a mint guard and jag pups too with the rhythm and switch plate. Or I will just sell it. May be in the classifieds soon haha. But it is definitely a nice guitar.
Awesome pick man. I keep eyeing blizzard pearl one down the road. If they knock it down to $400, I'll pick it up and figure out how to justify it after.
Pickguard came from WD Music he said. Its a killer combo. Like Mint chocolate chip ice cream. I really do like it. I think I may just keep this one as it is after the neck swap. That's new for me... haha. I guess i really do like it.
Congratulations! Your Punkacc9 evolved into Awstin.