Pimp my Super-Sonic (NGD) - IT'S ALLLIIIIIIVEEEEE!!!

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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What color scratchplate for the Black Super-sonic?

Poll ended at Thu May 02, 2013 3:29 am

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Post by Pens »

Yeah I'd probably just replace the pots entirely. I can't really help much with the wiring since the first thing I did when I got it was rewire it and remove the switch, neck pup, and one pot so it was a dead simple setup.

Either way, wade is right in that the stock parts kinda suck and you'd be better off just replacing the pots. Personally I'd also spring for some new tuners too, just make sure you get real lefty Klusons for it, righty ones won't work (I tried).
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Post by taylornutt »

The end tuner is rubbed off a bit. I just want to get her playing first and then I will go from there.
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Post by wadeaminute »

Tuners: I have never had a problem with the stock ones. Four of mine are stock, one has a set of replacement Gotoh Kluson-style tuners with white plastic buttons (the JR / white one), and one was way-over-the-top upgraded to Sperzel locking tuners that are left-handed, gold, and have pearl buttons (the coral esquire one).
My dream E-Bay find would be a Super-Sonic that only came with a neck, body, neck-plate, four neck screws, and tuners. Everything else gets replaced, anyways.
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Post by Thomas »

The worst set of tuners I have on any of my guitars are the new expensive official Kluson ones. They don't hold tune for shit.
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Post by taylornutt »

UPDATE: I got the guitar back from the tech today. There were several shorts in the wiring and he got it all sorted out for me.

I brought her home and put the rest of the strings on her. It makes noise and everything. I will post pics once Flickr gets its act together.

I still need to intonate the saddles and adjust the string height.

Initial impressions:

First of all, I am not a humbucker guy. The pickups are okay. I will probably consider changing them later but I want live with them for a bit and research good replacements.

I love the neck. It's buttery smooth. I thought at first it might be too thin near the nut but I like the feel. The reversed headstock is cool and I don't mind the backwards tuners. The tuner for the high E seems to give too much and does seem as reliable as the others.

I don't like the strap button coming out of the neck place. Feels awkward like it will fall off at any moment. If I can't adjust then I will put a knob on the smaller upper horn.

Overall, I am liking it a lot. It's the closest thing I have to a Strat.

Once I settle on the color, I will get a custom pickguard made for her. I am super stoked to finally be playing her.
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Post by Joey »

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Post by taylornutt »

Joey wrote:Elite Vista SS Member :D
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Post by Joey »

Hey! Hey, Jack! I can play anything with strings on it. Geetar.. bass....., harp..... Fishing pole, When I was in Nam, they called me Super Sonic, cos I was so fast. BAM! See, betcha didn't see that! I'm FAST! By the way, em Mexicans SS are a piece of junk.

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Post by taylornutt »

Joey wrote:Hey! Hey, Jack! I can play anything with strings on it. Geetar.. bass....., harp..... Fishing pole, When I was in Nam, they called me Super Sonic, cos I was so fast. BAM! See, betcha didn't see that! I'm FAST! By the way, em Mexicans SS are a piece of junk.

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That sounded like Uncle SI. I have a bunch of sound file of Uncle Si for my ringtones and text alerts.

Super-Sonics make me Happy, Happy , Happy!
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Post by bluesngrunge »

taylornutt wrote:
Joey wrote:Hey! Hey, Jack! I can play anything with strings on it. Geetar.. bass....., harp..... Fishing pole, When I was in Nam, they called me Super Sonic, cos I was so fast. BAM! See, betcha didn't see that! I'm FAST! By the way, em Mexicans SS are a piece of junk.

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That sounded like Uncle SI. I have a bunch of sound file of Uncle Si for my ringtones and text alerts.

Super-Sonics make me Happy, Happy , Happy!
I actually like in West Monroe so I've seen those guys around.
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Post by taylornutt »

bluesngrunge wrote:
taylornutt wrote:
Joey wrote:Hey! Hey, Jack! I can play anything with strings on it. Geetar.. bass....., harp..... Fishing pole, When I was in Nam, they called me Super Sonic, cos I was so fast. BAM! See, betcha didn't see that! I'm FAST! By the way, em Mexicans SS are a piece of junk.

Love your Avatar
That sounded like Uncle SI. I have a bunch of sound file of Uncle Si for my ringtones and text alerts.

Super-Sonics make me Happy, Happy , Happy!
I actually like in West Monroe so I've seen those guys around.
A shortscaler in Duck Dynasty country. That is so cool.
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Post by luciguci »

taylornutt wrote:
bluesngrunge wrote: I actually like in West Monroe so I've seen those guys around.
A shortscaler in Duck Dynasty country. That is so cool.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
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Post by taylornutt »

I may need to file the tips of frets a little. It was rubbing a sore on my finger.

The pickups are pretty harsh. There is no middle ground. Either dull and quiet or loud and harsh.

I got the intonation spot on and the pickup height is good. I jammed a little with it on Amplitube on my iPad since the kids are sleeping.
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Post by taylornutt »

New pics:
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Post by wadeaminute »

The guitar will neck-dive if you re-locate the strap button. Trust me on this.
Humbucker suggestions - I love the Dimarzio Tone Zone in the bridge position, and their PAF for the neck. My black one is set up like that, with SD Tripe Shot rings to get four tones from each pickup. P-Rails are a cool option, too.
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Post by mixtape »

taylornutt wrote:I don't like the strap button coming out of the neck place. Feels awkward like it will fall off at any moment. If I can't adjust then I will put a knob on the smaller upper horn.
wadeaminute wrote:Congrats!
The guitar will neck-dive if you re-locate the strap button. Trust me on this.

Still, get or make yourself some strap locks pronto. The strap feels like it will fall off at any moment because it will.

For pickups, I've got Dragonfire Screamers in mine at the moment, but their charm is wearing off. They're a little too hot to get the range of sounds I'm looking for and when I split them, the clean sound is kind of ice picky. I may switch the Duncan JB and Jazz out of my Mockingbird and put them in the Super-Sonic instead. That's a fairly popular, fairly versatile combination.
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Post by BoringPostcards »

nice. I have always had a thing for Super Sonics. Buddy of mine had a blue one back in the late 90s.
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Post by bluesngrunge »

Super sonics just look like they're missing something, but I don't know what...
SKC Willie wrote:And obviously, I was much more interested in the dildos.