It was a gift from Lauren's parents. It was a nice gesture and I kind of felt bad that I was a bit "past" it. It really isn't a half bad guitar, but the hardware and pickups were pretty crap. I decided that eventually I'd make it into something worthy.
As it was when I got it (after cleaning and sticker removal)
Originally I thought I'd make it easy and just replace parts, but the factory finish was so crap I realized it would be better to just sand that shit down and start over.
So far I've sanded it down and started to prime. Been a long time since I took on a refin...I haven't had practice since my last attempts, but I have a lot more patience than I did back then and so far it seems to be showing.
I almost like the primer enough to leave it as is, but I think I'm going to see it through to the metallic brown I picked out. I'm thinking of a black 3 ply pickguard with a marauderesqe neck bucker (probably GFS dearmond type hum sized single), and a brighton rocks single in the bridge. Upgrade the tuners, bridge and electronics and call it a day.