This just came in today. I traded an nice overdrive pedal for it. It is really nice. The finish is nice and thin. Main issues is the selector switch is crapping out, but that should be an easy fix. The frets are a bit sharp. I don't know how to fix that. I did adjust the truss rod to get the action a bit lower. The old school style Fender guard is popping up a bit by the bridge pickup. I am guessing that is why Fender ended up adding another pickguard screw there. LOL Pictures!
Sharp frets are now filed nicely. Big difference in feel. Pickups sound nice. I just need to get a new switch. Not sure when I will get around to that. LOL
Funny, was going to say it needed a black guard when I saw the first pics.
Good score. The tilt screw is a nice touch
One thing I've been wondering about these peaveys you've been picking is the chrome hardware? Comparable to us/jap fender or more like cheap asian strat copies? Also overall feel of quality?
the trem and tuners on my old peavey predator were syperior to most u.s. Mim, cij fender strats i have ever touched, and it sounded divine, but i smashed it.... Oh well
Yeah the tuners on this one are the sucky ones. Some of my Peaveys have tuners more like Kluson style ones. My T-26 has "Peavey Deluxe" tuners. Those work well.
i've had a few of those ceramic bar magnet pickups sound pretty good. less toppy but a nice plinky, grubby sound i associate with squiers but always seem to end up replacing
George wrote:i've had a few of those ceramic bar magnet pickups sound pretty good. less toppy but a nice plinky, grubby sound i associate with squiers but always seem to end up replacing
I know what you mean. I really like old bar magnet pickups. The more modern ones do sound cheaper tho.