Vintage Mustang vs Mustang Reissue

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Which sounds better?

Poll ended at Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:42 am

Vintage Mustang
Mustang Reissue
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Vintage Mustang vs Mustang Reissue

Post by taylornutt »

J Mascis Jazzmaster | AVRI Jaguar | Tuxedo-stang |Fender Toronado GT |
Squier FSR Sparkle Jaguar | Squier CV Mustang |1971 Fender Bronco| Baja Telecaster |
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Post by HNB »

I need a Sloan option. I own both and I think they both sound about the same. (Blasphemous I know...)
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Post by duosonic »

The original has more mojo.
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Post by Thomas »

For me it's all about the neck. When it came to my vintage one vs reissue there was no competition. The reissues are fine, but feel ordinary and cheaper than a good vintage one. Because of this my reissue basically never got played so I ended up selling it.

However, you do get some vintage necks that aren't so good. To me the carve of the reissue necks is very similar to the vintage ones I don't like. Middle of the road average Fender style.
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Post by taylornutt »

duosonic wrote:The original has more mojo.
Thomas wrote:For me it's all about the neck.
My Mullet-stang has an Original 1969 Mustang neck that I refinish in nitro and it's heaven to play. Vintage doesn't guarantee better for all the reasons you said when it comes to the neck. If I don't get along with a guitar neck, I will either change it or move the guitar along.

The Mustang reissue sounds great, but the Vintage guitar here sounds much fuller and smoother with more of a broader spectrum to the sound. The Reissue is very direct and cutting. Either would be a great guitar to own.
J Mascis Jazzmaster | AVRI Jaguar | Tuxedo-stang |Fender Toronado GT |
Squier FSR Sparkle Jaguar | Squier CV Mustang |1971 Fender Bronco| Baja Telecaster |
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Post by blane »

Reissues are cheaper. And I don't feel bad changing things on the reissues.
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