1 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

2 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

3 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

4 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

5 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

7 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

8 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr
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Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
Brandon W wrote:you elites.
Brandon W wrote:you elites.
Sold one of these recently sort of regret it, the middle in series setting is a thing of beauty.SKC Willie wrote:I just picked up one of these from a trade with Cooter and I'm really impressed with the sound and feel of the guitar. It's a great guitar to keep kicking around the living room when I want to noodle and watch TV. It's light and semi-hollow to it's plenty resonant and loud without an amp. I have never owned one until now but I'm thoroughly impressed with mine.