Quitcherbitchin about the changes. They're both Modern Players, i.e. the gay marriage of Fender Guitars. Fuck your traditions. Get with the times, or go fuck yourself.
If you want traditional Fenders, go to the amber switch tip fap fest site.
One serious question though about the Starcaster Pickups - since these are MIC, would it be reasonable to assume that they use the same WRHB reissues as the Squier VM Tele Deluxe (which I love), as opposed to the MIM Reissues (which I like)?
Please define what a "Modern" guitar is. Everyone has their own tastes and you see more and more people getting in to the old stuff and very different stuff now. Ehhhh. Squier will get it right. No worries.
Congratulations! Your Punkacc9 evolved into Awstin.
mkt3000 wrote:One serious question though about the Starcaster Pickups - since these are MIC, would it be reasonable to assume that they use the same WRHB reissues as the Squier VM Tele Deluxe (which I love), as opposed to the MIM Reissues (which I like)?
MIM most likely. I think they sound pretty good. Played one of the deluxe teles which sounded good. Didn't get to play one of the squier deluxes though. What's the sound difference? I'm using the MIM ones in my Starcaster.
Congratulations! Your Punkacc9 evolved into Awstin.
Both guitars have some nice colors. I kinda wish they would have done LPB or something similiar.
I noticed they went with the stop tail(fan) version of Coronado, though I am not surprised since it was more prevalent back in the day. Though it would be super easy to add one if you had one or a bigsby.
The Starcaster looks great. Not sure which color I would choose though black is super tempting.
I hope these do well enough so they will release more color options. I can't wait to play one. I want compare the new Coronado to my Coronado II.
Why don't the Coronado pickups have mounting rings like they do on every other semi? I mean, this is obvious stuff. It's not like this is a Modern Player Coronado. Did the designer not show the guitar to anyone before they got them manufactured? If I were working for Fender I'd sign-up here and OSG with a fakey account and be like "here's a guitar I designed with Kisekae, whaddya fink?" Then everyone would be tell me where I went wrong and I'd have to reconcile their ridiculous suggestions (nitro finish, shit retro bridge, compound radius) with the cost of building the damn things. Seeing as they only cost 20 cents, I wouldn't leave-off the mounting rings.