I'm looking for a nice EASY TO OPERATE solution to having a home recording setup. The idea is to produce a few songs and also get some proper quality YouTube demo videos.
All I have right now is a laptop, a few decent mics and some leads! I know I need an interface and a daw? For which I've been looking at this
http://uk.focusrite.com/usb-audio-inter ... arlett-2i2
There's one on eBay at 120 with free software and FREE HEADPHONES!

So first question would this be ok? It seems decent enough and I love the colour

VIDEO-wise I was going to use my IPhone but then what software can I use to edit the videos and match up the audio? I'm mega limited on budget (obviously) after the interface I'd not have a great deal left to spend (50-100) also gonna gab some monitors as well so any good recommendations?
I'm guessing people are gonna tell me I need a mac or basically something other than my laptop but I don't use it for ANYTHING else at all so I can't warrant buying something else.
Sorry for mega blog