It looked OK but the finish was lumpy and the whole body felt uneven, so it had to go. The varnish came off fairly easily, chemical stripper on one side and a light touch with the heat gun on the other side, but the stain had penetrated the wood. The wood itself had been pretty unevenly sanded and felt wavy, so I tackled it gently to see if I could get it flat without taking too much off. Fortunately it came good pretty quickly.
The yellow primer and a bit of white in the neck pocket and cavities were the only remnants of the original finish.
Next step, sanding sealer and some very careful attention, followed by red lacquer to go with the pearloid. The 65 neck is in good shape apart from a loose fret and the holes from a Hagstrom style string retainer, which I've removed. Now waiting for tuners.