I haven't posted here in a quite a while, but I just completed a guitar project and thought I would share it with you. Hope no one minds a random run-in from me after such long inactivity on here. This is my first guitar project in nearly three years -- my aluminium Telecaster has been broken in half a few times and I figured it's time to retire it; so I built a new guitar!
This one was inspired by mid-century Porsche and Jaguar race cars. There are tamper-proof screws all over, which were used on German race cars during the 1930s.
Like the Telecaster that I built almost 4 years ago, it started out as a Squier Bullet that was laying around. I love the necks on these things, and the bridge and middle pickups are great as well. The body is aluminium, semi-hollow, with a wooden inner to hold the pickups and bridge. The neck is wood, with an aluminium headstock. It's basically a hollow aluminium piece built around the existing wooden headstock, just for aesthetics. I don't mess with woodwork, so this was easier for me and it's seamless, so you can't tell.
This is probably my favourite build in terms of appearance, playability and sound. It has a great metallic tone, you would think the entire thing was made of aluminium; especially when a metal pick is used.
Like most of my other guitars, I put it through what I call the "In Utero test". In Utero is my favourite "rock guitar" album. If it doesn't sound good or add something great to In Utero when playing along with it, then it needs adjusting. So, that's what is going on in the last photo.
Here it is: