Incoming NCD: Zilla 2x12

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Incoming NCD: Zilla 2x12

Post by Concretebadger »

I ordered a 2x12 cab from Zilla to help get a 'British' type of rig going on for the studio, but newer Marshalls don't do it for me and I like the Orange/Matamp vibe. After e-mailing Zilla I got an order together for an 'oversized' 2x12 that ought to give an expansive classic rock sound that's more portable and affordable than a full-on 4x12 stack.

Paul at Zilla contacted met again today and said it's ready and ought to arrive on Monday. It should be a 'fatboy' cab, which has pretty much the same dimensions as an Orange closed-back 2x12, except I've opted for one V30 and one G12H. Whenever I heard clips of V30s in isolation they sound too strident and 'peaky' in the upper mids...I was worried about the midrange hump of an SM57 mic bringing out that nasal quality when recording, so hopefully the two speaker types should compliment each other. It ought to be more versatile for mic-ing up than a pair of V30s too.

I won't know for sure until the cab itself arrives, but I'm really impressed with Zilla so far. They've been really helpful and the price is very reasonable indeed. I've been a combo amp player since forever, so it's going to be interesting to be using an extension cab for the first time. Can't wait!
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Post by ekwatts »

Same as the one I have. I had mine finished in basket-weave black tolex (basically the same as Orange tolex but black) and biscuit basket grille with an Eminence Swamp Thang and a Wizard.

It sounds IMMENSE. It's probably the best investment I've ever made. My new Matamp sounds great but when I go to the practice room I plug it into the Zilla and it's an immediate improvement. Stupidly good cabs for the money.
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Post by Johno »

Love my Zilla. 2x12 V30's

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Post by Concretebadger »

UPS did the usual delivery company thing but I managed to be in the right place at the right time today to sign for it. Oh yes.

PHOTO LANK because Twitpic don't 'do' hotlinking

It's now connected up to my Boogie and it sounds great. I still want a Matamp/Tiny Terror though because the Boogie's a bit unmanageably high-powered for home studio. Keeping the distortion channel's gain knob to zero and cranking the volume gives a smooth, spongey and less 'modern' sound for running distortion pedals into at bedroom levels, which was an accidental discovery while putting the cab through its paces. Weird in a cool "I didn't know it could do that" kind of way. *shrugs*

There's a definite side-by-side difference between the speakers - one has more crispness and bite while the other is darker and softer. They compliment each other well, and the closed back keeps the hard-to-soundproof bass frequencies projected in the right direction, which will be really useful for mic'd up recording without upsetting the neighbours.

It also has a neat 'not quite Marshall and not quite Matamp' look to it. Very good value for money and Paul at Zilla was a really cool and helpful guy. Happy days. :D
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Post by Johno »

Looks great. I'm tempted to throw a Greenback in my cab to hear the difference.
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Post by Concretebadger »

I've no idea how a Greenback would sound next to a V30, but I recall an older thread here where someone warned that the louder V30 would drown out a more 'vintage' output cone. Not that it would stop me fitting a Greenback if I had one, just to hear how it sounds. The V30 and G12H do sound different, but it's not a night-and-day thing. I think the improvement comes from the simple fact that there are now two speakers instead of one. I don't think I could go back to 1x12 combos, unless it's cleans through my DRRI. ekwatts hit the nail on the head in calling an extension cab an 'investment'.

The real contrast came from plugging my 1x10" HT5 into the Zilla. Honestly, it opened up the bottom end SO MUCH. Now I know why Blackstar sell the HT5 combos with either two 10" drivers or one 12" these days, because the single 10" doesn't do it justice at all. I'd actually consider using it as a backup amp now if I play live. Not that the Boogie is likely to crap out on me, but you never know. Valves will be valves.
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Post by othomas2 »

I've gone from a V30 to a greenback recently. Like them both for different reasons, I think a mix in a 2x12 would be sublime.

Bass response from a V30 is much tighter, but really enjoying the greenback at the mo... quite throaty and more characterful.

Cab itself is really important, and the open back / closed back changes a lot just as much as the speaker IMHO.

Here's an interesting comparison regardless of the style of music he's playing:

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Post by Bacchus »

Really like these. Pics?'
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Post by johnnyseven »

I have a V30 and Greenback in my Marshall 2 x 12. I bought it with both in there so don't know what sound diiference they make, it sounds pretty good to me though.